
AutoCount Accounting Version 1.8.30 Release Note (GST New Tax Code)


This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:

  • GST Enhancement

Improvements Introduced

GST Enhancement

With the release of the revised version of the Guide on Accounting Software Enhancement towards GST Compliance (Revised as of 05 February 2018), several changes has been made to the AutoCount Accounting software with regards to the GST functionality. Below are the changes implemented into the system.

Changes to the Tax Codes

Several changes has been implemented to the tax codes used in AutoCount Accounting. When updating to this version, the system will generate a file to show what changes has been done to which tax code. The user can then save and open the file to review the changes done to the tax codes in AutoCount Accounting.

The following shows the changes done to the Supply Tax Codes.

Tax Code Description Rate Government Tax Code Special Note
OS-TXM Output Tax 0% – Out of Scope Supplies Of Oversea which are taxable in Malaysia 0% OS-TXM The GST-03 Mapping is updated to Field 15.
OS-TXM-CG Output Tax 0% – Out Of Scope Supplies Of Capital Goods 0% OS-TXM The GST-03 Mapping is updated to Field 15.
NTX Output Tax 0% – Supplies with no tax chargeable 0% NTX The GST-03 Mapping is updated to Field 15.
NTX-CG Output Tax 0% – Supplies with no tax chargeable Of Capital Goods 0% NTX The GST-03 Mapping is updated to Field 15.
OS Output Tax 0% – Out Of Scope Supplies 0% OS The GST-03 Mapping is updated to Field 15.
GS Output Tax 0% – Disregarded Supplies 0% GS The GST-03 Mapping is updated to Field 15.
GS-CG Output Tax 0% – Disregarded Supplies Of Capital Goods 0% GS The GST-03 Mapping is updated to Field 15.


The following shows the changes done to the Purchase Tax Codes

Tax Code Description Rate Government Tax Code Special Note
IM-CG Input Tax 6% – Import of Capital Goods 6% IM-CG Replace the old government tax code IM
NP Input Tax 0% – Purchase treated as Non-supply 0% NP Remove the government tax code NP
ZP Input Tax 0% – Purchase subject to GST other than standard rate 0% ZP Merge the old tax code RP, EP, GP into ZP
IS-ATS Input Tax 0% – Imports Under Special Scheme (ATS) 0% IS The GST-03 Mapping is removed from Field 15.

New GST-03 Mapping

With the addition and changes done to the tax code line up, the GST-03 mapping is also updated to reflect the changes. The following table illustrates the changes:

Field Description Tax Code
5a Total Value of standard rate supply SR, SR-MS, DS
5b Total Output tax (inclusive of tax value on bad debt recovered & other adjustments) SR, SR-MS, DS, AJS
6a Total value of standard-rate and flat rate acquisition TX, TX-IES, TX-RE, IM, IM-CG, TX-CG, TX-FRS, TX-ES(if pass de minimis rule)
6b Total input tax (inclusive of tax value on bad debt relief & other adjustments) TX, TX-IES, IM, IM-CG, TX-CG, TX-FRS, AJP, TX-ES(if pass de minimis rule)
10 Total value of local zero-rated supplies ZRL
11 Total value of export supplies ZRE, ZDA
12 Total value of exempt supplies ES, IES
13 Total value of supplies granted GST relief RS
14 Total value of goods imported under approved trade scheme IS
15 Total value of GST suspended under item 14 OS, OS-TXM, GS, NTX
16 Total value of capital goods acquired TX-CG, IM-CG, TX-RE-CG, TX-IES-CG, TX-ES-CG(if pass de minimis rule)
17 Total value of bad debt relief inclusive tax AJP-ARBD
18 Total value of bad debt recovered inclusive tax AJS-ARBD

