
AutoCount Version Upgrades for SST Function

Dear AutoCount Users,

Some of you might wonder how do you get the Accounting Software V1.9.10 (SST function) download link, please contact your dealer to perform the download or you can download from below link;

⬇️ V1.9.10 Download Link :

***IMPORTANT : This update version is strictly for Version 1.9 user to update SST. For Version 1.8 user kindly refer to General Announcement

AutoCount Accounting 1.9 32-bit
AutoCount Accounting 1.9 64-bit
AutoCount Express 1.9 32-bit
AutoCount Express 1.9 64-bit

Point of Sales (Version:3.1.001 (1.9.001) — Size:56.46 MB — DB Version:3.41 — Last Updated:28/08/2018 11:25:09 AM)

To Understand about how to use the SST functions, please read the article below;

⬇️ Release Note:


For users that are still using Accounting V1.8, you may refer to the link below for V1.9 upgrade.

*There will be no charges for this SST updates on Accounting V1.9 users. However, if there is any training, implementation or any other services involved, there might be cost incurred.

⬇️ Accounting V1.9.10 Upgrade:

Kindly contact our support team as below phone number :- 1300 800 828

or Schedule an upgrade session with us

Let us to guide you! ✌️
