Easily balance demand and supply throughout your supply chain using a combination of techniques and strategies
Planning your supply chain is a delicate process of trying to balance demand and supply, potentially across the globe, in a way that provides your company with the right combination of cost control, lead times and service level. NetSuite uses advanced inventory management and demand planning techniques to help you make the right decisions and increase your on time delivery metrics. Each location where you store inventory can be set up with unique parameters to deliver unprecedented control over your supply chain.
This feature provides the ability to see projected inventory along with any demand or supply that affects it across a time horizon and throughout the supply chain in a way that makes it easy to identify potential issues.
Key Capabilities:
Key Capabilities:
NetSuite’s Demand Planning engine controls the processing of balancing demand and supply. Once demand trends have been evaluated and the plan created, the supply planning process kicks in and tries to generate purchase, work and transfer orders based on the many settings found on the item record. Period of Supply, Lot for Lot and Fixed are amongst the methods used to determine the number and size of the orders generated, while also looking at consumption, time fence and reschedule in/out parameters.
Key Capabilities
NetSuite makes it easier than ever to create, update and manage all of your purchase, transfer and work orders
Considering supply chain management as a whole, executing your plan is probably the most important phase and in a global economy, it can also be the most complex. When your manufacturing can take place on any continent and across multiple time zones, you need a simple but effective way to communicate with your distributors, partners, suppliers and contract manufacturers to make sure they know what you want and you know what they are intending on delivering.
NetSuite has been working with customers to understand better how they run and monitor their complex supply chains. The Control Tower Snapshot provides a global time phase view that summarizes your current and future inventory position across our entire global supply chain.
This feature provides the ability to see projected inventory along with any demand or supply that affects it across a time horizon and throughout the supply chain in a way that makes it easy to identify potential issues.
Key Capabilities:
Creating and managing purchase orders is one of the simplest aspects of the system. The order items screen is the main place a user goes to monitor the list of items to be replenished, whether they are generated from the supply planning process, blanket POs or re-order point parameters. NetSuite allows you to order a mix of inventory, expense and service items on the same order. If there is a purchasing contract in place, the appropriate pricing will be applied automatically. Reminders can be customized to let you know when orders are expected to be received. Simple lists in NetSuite help to automate and expedite the purchase order management process.
Key Capabilities:
Whether you are using NetSuite as a single subsidiary or multiple, the ability to generate transfer orders between your company’s locations is critical to an efficient supply chain. Orders can of course be manually created on demand, but the real power of the system comes into play when using our distribution network functionality which will result in automatic planned or actual transfer or inter-company orders were necessary and with no additional effort.
Key Capabilities
Location Irrelevance is the essence of supply chain management in NetSuite. We believe that it shouldn’t matter where a product is made or who it’s being made by—you should expect the same level of information from the manufacturing process as if you were making it yourself. Work Orders are created and managed through the planning engine and across all locations and subsidiaries ensuring consistency and accuracy. Real-time updates are achievable through our cloud MES if desired.
Key Capabilities
Quick and effortless collaboration with your supply chain partners
Being built in the cloud and accessible from anywhere on any device with a browser and internet access is vital to modern businesses who manage supply chains of any size and complexity. NetSuite’s collaboration platform begins with automatic and instantaneous communication options via email, continues through the ability to provide portal access to your supply chain partners to view / update order or product information and can mature to integrated system communication through web service or RESTlet APIs. Many customer build their own collaboration system on top of the NetSuite platform to fit their specific requirements.
Key Capabilities:
NetSuite comes out-of-the-box with pre-configured and easy to use customer, vendor and customer portals that can be activated as required. Once enabled, the user only sees the information that is relevant to them and provides a quick and easy way for communication. NetSuite also offers the option of deploying a tablet / hmi interface to gather production information from your cm’s facilities.
Key Capabilities
Depending on the volume and type of information you are wanting to track, it may be necessary to create custom integrations directly between NetSuite and your supply chain partner’s systems. Should this be required you have plenty of options using our SuiteCloud platform, SuiteFlow workflows, SuiteTalk web services and RESTlet framework. Additionally we have many integration partners you can work with depending on your level of technical expertise
Key Capabilities
Delivering your product is only the beginning, delight your customers when things go wrong
Supporting your customers throughout their journey with your products, especially when things don’t necessarily go as expected, is a critical part of developing relationships. The ability to enter, route, escalate and resolve issues is exactly what NetSuite’s case management system was designed to do. Cases can also launch sales orders to ship replacement units, coordinate with warranty claims and initiate a repair process when necessary.
Case Management is native to NetSuite as part of the CRM solution and is particularly suited to the needs of manufacturers and distributors who need to provide front line support to partners, customers, distributors or end users. Support can be initiated either through a customizable online form or through a dedicated support email address, but once the case is created we make it really easy to delight your customers with timely and relevant responses that can be driven by a user configurable knowledge base.
Key Capabilities:
NetSuite’s warranty management functionality allows you to easily define different warranty profiles including coverage, start date, time period etc. and apply them to specific products. Depending on the criteria the warranty registration can be automatically generated upon shipment or delayed until the end user completes and online form or returns a card for manual processing. Should a product need to be repaired, that entire process can be managed in conjunction with case management and work orders to receive, repair and replace the unit while keeping the customer up-to-date with progress.
Key Capabilities
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